The other thing about a home version I think is that it should be easy.
Best cheese for mac n cheese southern mac#
I mean if you are gong to serve Mac n Cheese make it the meal and serve it with a salad and be done. So as I have looked for a home version I have always thought it must be one that can be served right away and fresh. No gloppy luke warm squares cut out of a chaffing dish and stood up like wall paper paste on your plate. One of the hall marks of a restaurant style Mac n Cheese is that it is almost always freshly made.

Now I love restaurant style Mac n Cheese. Well fads come and go but the restaurant Mac N Cheese NYC love affair has endured.

You know it created that feeling of “Oh look I’m eating a little bit of the small town homey goodness and look, this country style simplicity has come to the big city and makes me feel better! Yay!”. It was a genre of food that while plebeian in it’s truest form, somehow captured the culinary imagination of New Yorkers. Comfort food became a “thing” here in New York in the late 1990’s. I mean it’s the South, we consider it a vegetable! However, it was not until I moved to New York City that the dish became somewhat of a culinary show piece in the dining scene. Since then moving back to Charleston, one would see Mac N Cheese everywhere. Usually served on Fridays when they also served fried fish it was a staple of my roommate’s and mine freshman year. And I indulged in it as often as they would have it on the menu board. So creamy and yet so substantial I fell in love with it. One of the dishes that made it’s way often into the steam table on the buffet was a Mac N Cheese like none I had ever had. The Dining hall at James Madison University or D-Hall as we referred to it put out some really incredible food. However, I think my real love for Mac n Cheese began in college. In retrospect that was odd given they made a lot of noodle dishes but that was really never one of them. When we had it I think it mostly came out of a box and was just a snack for lunch or something. But my Mother and Grandmother were never big on it. My Aunt Martha made one I believe and also my Aunt Doris. It was a classic old school southern baked version with plenty of cheese a creamy sauce and lots of eggs. She would make it for big family gatherings at her house. My Aunt Lucille made what I thought was the best Mac n Cheese is the world.

I learned to love it from going to my relatives. My family was never a big Mac n Cheese family.